1.Japanese Journal of Palynology is a refereed research
journal in all aspects of palynology, a discipline dealing with pollen
and spores. The Journal publishes Research Article, Short Communication, Scientific data, Review, and Commentary,
submitted by the members of the Palynological Society of Japan.
Nonmembers, however, can co-author the manuscripts with at least one
member of the Society.
2.Research Article and Short Communication report results of completed studies that are previously unpublished elsewhere. Scientific data include technological advances, observational findings and research data new and noteworthy to palynologists in general. Review and Commentary provide comprehensive discussions or synthesis of a specific subject in palynology with references. Review should reflect clearly the authors’ own views on the subjects and topics covered in the article. Commentary
should be referred to the subject so that members from other
disciplines in palynology would understand it easily. Book reviews,
portraits of researchers, and other information appropriate for the
Journal will be considered for publication.
3.Before submission, authors should consult “Preparation of
Manuscripts,” published in the most recent issue of the Journal.
Manuscripts, which do not follow the instructions, may be returned to
authors without review.
4.Manuscripts submitted for Research Article and Short Communication
will be sent to two reviewers, selected by the Editor-in-Chief, for
evaluation and recommendation on the suitability for publication. The
Editor-in-Chief is responsible for reviewing manuscripts submitted for Scientific data, Review, and Commentary.
The final decision on acceptance or rejection of all the manuscripts is
made by the Editor-in-Chief. The Editor-in-Chief may ask authors extra
revisions of the manuscripts, in addition to the reviewers’ comments
and suggestions.
5.Date of acceptance is the date the Editor-in-Chief gives the final decision of acceptance for publication.
6.Normally Research Articles
should not exceed 12 printed pages. However, in exceptional cases,
where the subject matter necessarily requires additional space, 16
printed pages may be allowed at the discretion of the Editorial
Committee. Short Communications, Scientific data, and other miscellaneous articles 4 printed pages. Review and Commentary are, in principle, not exceeding 12 and 8 printed pages, respectively.
7.Authors cover all costs necessary for publication, such as extra
pages and color figures, including shipping fee. Page charges and other
miscellaneous costs are described in the section 8 of “Preparation of
8.Manuscripts and editorial communications should be submitted directly
to the Editor-in-Chief of the Japanese Journal of Palynology.
9.Copyrights of all the materials of Japanese Journal of Palynology
belong to the Palynological Society of Japan. No part of the material
may be reproduced in any form or medium without the written permission
of the Society.
10.The corresponding author is required to confirm whether all
authors have any conflicts of interest to declare, and to send the
Conflict of Interest Disclosure Form.
1.Manuscript organization - An article written in English should be arranged in the following order: 1) Title Page, 2) Text, 3) Figures, 4) Tables, 5) Captions for Figures and Tables, and 6) Conflict of Interest (COI) Disclosure Form*.
(*Download the COI Disclosure form from the PSJ Homepage.)
2.Title Page - The title page should contain the following: 1) submission date, 2) type of manuscript(Research Article, Short Communication, Scientific data, Review, Commentary,
or others), 3) title, name(s) of author(s), and affiliation and address
of each author, 4) running title of the paper (see the Section 3
below), 5) total pages for the text, 6) total number of figures, 7)
total number of tables, 8) total pages for Captions for Figures and Tables,
and 9) address for a galley proof (mailing address, fax number, and
e-mail address of the corresponding author). These items have to be
numbered as such in the Title Page.
3.The title should be informative and concise, and tell what the
article is all about. Running title should not exceed 35 letters.
4.Text - For preparation of the text should the following be considered:
1)Research Article
should include sections in the following order; abstract (250 words at
maximum), key words (five at maximum), introduction, method, results,
discussion, conclusion, (acknowledgment), and literature cited. Short Communication,
although not all these sections necessary, should contain abstract, key
words, and literature cited. Other articles are free in organization.
2)All parts of the manuscript should be typewritten in double spacing with ca. 3-cm margins.
3)Apply waving line for the material that is to be bold-faced, and
underline the material that is to be italicized. Scientific names of
the species should be underlined.
4)Numbers should be Arabic numerals, and use of metric unit and SI unit is preferred.
5)References should be numbered sequentially and marked as they appear
in the text. Reference numbers with parentheses should be expressed as
superscripts. All publications cited in the text should be presented in
a list of references following the text, as examples shown below. Review,
however, may cite the name of the first author and publication year of
the paper in parentheses in the text and list the publications in
alphabetical order.
5.In principle, articles written in English should be checked by native
speakers, who also be scientifically literate, before submission.
6.Figures and Tables:
1)Each figure and table should be
presented on a separate page, and must be identified by the authors’
names with the figure number and table number (e.g. Fig. 1 and Table 1)
at the margins.
2)Authors must specify the locations in the text with red letters at
the margins, where individual figure(s) and table(s) are inserted.
3)In principle, original illustrations submitted by authors are used
for publication; therefore those should be clearly drawn and reproduced
in the form of high resolution digital images. Reduction rate for each
figure and picture should be specified.
4)Concise and clear description of the figures and tables, which is
self-explanatory without referring the text, should be written in the
section for Captions for Figures and Tables.
7.Manuscript submission:
In principle, manuscripts (3MB at maximum) should be submitted to the
Editor-in-Chief via e-mail in electronic formats. The preferred formats
are MS Word or PDF files for text; PDF, JPG, or TIFF files for figures,
and PDF, MS Word or Excel for tables, respectively. Resolution of all
figure files is 300 dpi or less, when the manuscripts are submitted.
The final version of the figures for publication should be greater than
600 dpi. Whenever, electric media including all files of the
manuscripts or hard copies of the manuscripts may be submitted by mail.
In these cases, the detailed methods for submission should be confirmed
in advance with the Editor-in-Chief.
8.Page charges and offprints:
1)Papers longer than the page
limits (see the Section 6 of the “Instructions to Authors”) will incur
a charge of 5,000 Japanese Yen per individual printed page.
2)Authors are responsible for printing cost and shipping fee of the offprints charged by the printing company.
5)In principle, offprints are prepared only for Research Article, Short Communication, Scientific data, Review, and Commentary;
by author' s request, however, the Journal can provide offprints for
other types of articles at author' s expense, charged by the printing company.
6)Authors are responsible for all costs for color figure(s).
9.Receipt, acceptance and proofreading of manuscripts:
1)Receipt of each manuscript is
acknowledged by e-mail or letter from the Editor-in-Chief to the
corresponding author with the date of receipt.
2)When the final decision for publication is made, the Editor-in-Chief
will contact the corresponding author by e-mail or letter.
3)A galley proof will be sent to the author once to correct
typesetter' s errors. Making extensive corrections and modifications is
not allowed in the proof stage.
10.Requests for permission to reproduce the material published in the Journal:
In case permission to reproduce the material need to be obtained, the
permission request form, inserted in the Journal, should be completed
and submitted to the Editor-in-Chief by mail.